How to be successful on YouTube In a few short years YouTube has gone from being an entertaining curiosity filled with funny videos to the world's second-largest search engine. During that span, the company (along with Google) managed to harness its initial popularity to create an increasingly lucrative marketing hub as more viewers and advertisers migrated from television to the digital platform. No longer strictly the domain of film geeks and funny video aficionados, the network, which boasts more than 2 billion video views monetized per week, can also provide a low-cost to no-cost way to create a social marketing channel for your business . If you aren't effectively leveraging the network, you're missing the viral video boat. However, as with most things in life, success isn't often attained with a haphazard, slapdash effort. Being successful on YouTube takes planning. So how to be successful on YouTube. Reach a million subscribers 1. Finding your niche and p...
In a word, yes. But, technically this is the wrong question. The correct question is probably closer to, “ What is the impact of the calories I consume on my body’s ability to store fat versus burn fat? ” The immediate follow-up question to some variant of this first question is, “ Should I be counting calories? ” In a word, no. But you’ll want to read this post fully to qualify that answer. Before I answer these important questions, let’s spend a few moments reviewing five key concepts. If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you’ve probably heard about the importance of “calories in versus calories out.” This concept is based on the idea that as long as you eat fewer calories than you burn, you’re bound to lose weight. However, some people insist that the type of food you eat matters much more than the number of calories it contains — both in terms of weight loss and long-term health. “A calorie is a calorie is a calorie,” they say — that it doesn’t matter whether you ...